Science and math take center stage

Stem night showcased the myriad applications for these core subjects.
This year, math night and science night were combined, and STEM Night was born. STEM Night was a function brought together by the science and math teachers of Curtis High School, in order to allow students have fun and learn new things at the same time.
Despite a tremendous amount of planning and organization, the event was disrupted by a fire alarm. However, this was no drill. The smoke machine at the entrance of the cafeteria triggered the alarm. Most people were unsure if it was real or if someone just pulled the alarm as a prank, but either way, everyone was evacuated. Firefighters came to the school, and after a long 10 minutes, everyone was allowed to go back inside. After the incident, everything went smoothly and students continued to enjoy the festivities.
The set up of STEM Night was almost like a science fair. Taking place in the cafeteria, one side of the room was specifically for science, while the other was for math, and in the middle of the room where engineering and technology. Students participated in running the stands along with teachers, and teachers even participated in playing the games.
There were stations where students could participate in games and win stamps. If they collected a certain number of stamps then they could win prizes and food, such as post it notes, stress balls, funny glasses, wrist bands, cookies, cupcakes, and so much more.
One stand that was especially popular was a physics stand. The stand involved launching golf balls with a mini cannon, and the goal was to get the ball as far as possible. Students would wait so long that the line to participate blocked other stations. Another extremely popular station was the slime and snow making station. Everywhere you turned a student was caarrying a cup of slime or fake snow. When asked what station was their favorite, most students replied with, “The slime one”, or “The one with the dice and you bet”. One more stand that was very popular was the betting table. This math table was based on chance. There was a dice rolled and students bet on what the chances of it landing on certain numbers. If students won a certain amount of times, they would be able to get a stamp to show that they completed the stand.