Curtis students and staff pay tribute to 9/11 victims




It was a sunny day on September 11th, 2013 when 116 Curtis students gathered at the flagpole after tenth period, waiting to march down to the 9/11 memorial near the ferry. This ceremony commemorated 12 years since the World Trade Center terrorist attack.

The memorial looked amazing with an organized and precise arrangement of freshly cut flowers surrounding it, with big American flags flying high. Upon arrival, Curtis students went through the memorial and found themselves reading the names of those lost. Some even placed American flag pins next to specific names. The pins were avail- able in a little black bucket.

Gamal Amin, a sophomore participant , said,” I felt empathy because so many people died for no reason, and the ceremony was especially moving to the family and friends of the victims. At first I only took part for the community service hours, but when I got there, I guess I felt guilty and I began to put some American Flag pins next to the names of those who were lost. I even kept some pins for myself because they looked really stylish.”

Every year the ceremony includes an open speech part when anyone can say a few words. A lot of these speakers spoke of being grateful for what they have such as a loving family or friends, and that such things shouldn’t be taken for granted.

One of the most notable words spoken came from Joe Sicilian, who said, “Look (pointing at the Freedom Tower across the water) they put steel where steel once was, they put glass where glass once was, but they could not put lives where lives were lost.”

Everyone solemnly looked at the new tower across the water in Manhattan. Si- cilian also said, “It’s taller, we’ve gotten taller, it’s stronger and we have gotten stronger. You guys brought them back to life today.”

At the end everyone gave, as loud as they could, a great big Warriors cheer. Warriors!